Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Field Of Education, We Never Stop Learning - 893 Words

In the field of education, we never stop learning. There will always be a new theory, method, or practice that will be introduced to improve our knowledge. Furthermore, it s always a good idea to look for sources and new materials that will enhance our teaching and help our students benefit from it. Having the opportunity to give myself a self-assessment, has provided me with information regarding myself. This self-assessments helped me get a cleared vision of what I know and what I need to learn. After reading, Richardson, I discovered what some of my strengths and weaknesses are. I plan on using this self-assessment to enhance my knowledge and find success in future learning. Richardson writes. â€Å"If education does become accepted as a discipline, however, it exists because of and in relationship to educational practice, the purpose of maintaining the best and allowing change to lead to improvement must always be kept in mind(p.254) Self-Assessment is one of the first ste p in my PhD journey. Ultimately, I want to be prepared to learn new techniques, theories, and gain knowledge of what I know and what I will learn. As mentioned previously, we never stop learning, we just gain more knowledge. This self-assessment gave me the opportunity to realize some of my strengths. In all honestly, I can say that I feel comfortable with see research as socially situated. As an educator it s my job to educate and reinforced a positive learning experience for my students. I amShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of College Internship709 Words   |  3 Pages Testing out a career before spending thousands of dollars on an education in a field that was not what was expected would be nice. That opportunity does exist: it is an internship. Internships are positions taken by students in order to meet a school requirement or to gain experience in a field of interest. Internships usually have participants that are students in college or graduate school. While there is a multitude of beneficial reasons to participate in an internship, they have proven to haveRead MoreThe Theory And Application Of Theories716 Words   |  3 PagesAs we grow in the field of psychology the quality and style of our writing and thinking will change to a more theoretical approach. At the masters level we are known as practitioner-scholars. Our primary focus will be to elaborate on theory and application of those theories. It is at his level we must become aware of ourselves and writing skills. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gun Control Under Control Essay - 980 Words

Gun Control Under Control Whenever a shooting happens, such Columbine, the Aurora Theater Shooting, or the Navy Yard shooting, the question of gun control comes up in politics again. Then after a month or two, the topic is dropped, until yet another shooting happens. When is this nation going to finally make a change? America needs to put more emphasis on making certain potential criminals and the clinically insane do not have access to such dangerous weapons. What about the little boy who found his parent’s gun in his parent’s bedside drawer and accidentally shot himself? Should there not be laws to protect him? The answer is yes. The government needs to take guns out of the hands of criminals and children and into the hands of people†¦show more content†¦The idea of redesigning guns is considered more with public safety due to the larger numbers of gun-related deaths (Now 3). What is so hard about making guns safer? If people are not willing to make guns safer, which is obviously the case, then there should be gun controls. . Imagine how many of these accidental deaths could be prevented if guns can be kept out of the hands of children and the careless. According to the NCIPC â€Å"In 1994, there were 38,505 firearm-related deaths. These included: more than 17,800 homicides; more than 18,700 suicides; more than 1,300 unintentional, firearms-related deaths related to firearms† (Facts 1). Some of the worst crimes are committed with guns. For example, the shooting at Columbine which Americans heard about on the news in 1999. Two teenagers shot and killed twelve students and one teacher at their own school (Facts 1). The boys were later thought to be mentally ill, as with many of the people who commit shooting such as this. Could this have been prevented through gun laws that require stricter background checks and better mental health check ups? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

School Uuniforms Free Essays

The years that we are in primary school is the time that we as teenagers start discovering ourselves and realize our uniqueness. With this natural fact, it is not surprising that practically every teenager nowadays attempts to stand out in the crowd as much as possible. Our appearance, clothes and style is one of best and easiest ways to express ourselves, and it definitely helps people reach an understanding of who we really are, and why. We will write a custom essay sample on School Uuniforms or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, there has been an ongoing debate on whether school uniforms should be completely abolished in all schools, both private and public, or, on the contrary, uniforms should become a compulsory addition to all middle-level educational institutions. Despite the friction between the pros and cons, I personally stick to the idea that school uniforms should be introduced in all public and private schools, as wearing school uniforms does not make unfair comparisons between student’s incomes in terms of clothing and that it aids students in developing their inner qualities instead of focusing on the outer aspects of themselves in the crucial earlier years of their lives. Firstly High schools are stressful enough as it is with school work and studying, but add being bullied because of your appearance and it could become overbearing. Uniforms help students in school academically and socially. It can be beneficial to parents as well; they do not have to spend as much money on school apparel. On the other hand, many people disagree with having school uniforms, saying that it doesn’t give the student the right to express their individuality. However, I think uniforms build a sense of discipline and unity and are the appropriate attire to be worn in school. That is why I strongly believe uniforms should be enforced in every school whether public or private. It can be difficult for students to â€Å"fit in† with their peers. Because of their appearance, social situation or financial background, students can be discriminated and even bullied up to the point where they do not want to attend school anymore. Uniforms establish the unity of the whole school, making everyone equal. â€Å"It feels great wearing a uniform. It makes me feel like I am part of something,† says Malika a 15 year-old attending Thomas Brown York High School. Deciding on what clothes to wear to school can be stressful in the mornings. Uniforms get rid of that hassle, of waking up earlier to pick your outfit for the day. You’re ready to go as soon as you put your uniform on. Also, students carry themselves differently when they are wearing uniforms. They take school more seriously by dressing more professionally. Uniforms are also less inexpensive. As a result, Parents gain immensely by buying uniforms than individual clothing for each school year. Statistics show schools that have established the school uniform had a 52% increase in student attendance and a whopping 78% jump in passing grades. Teachers say their students are more focused and productive in class. This shows how uniforms can help students achieve their potential in the classroom by helping them concentrate more on their school work than their clothes. It prevents bullying and violence. It helps create a more educative and welcoming environment to students by showing equality and unity to the whole student body. The over-all idea is that uniforms are easy and efficient. Secondly School uniforms have been around just as long as schools themselves, and they play a much bigger role in education than most people think. Uniforms have been proven to promote learning and help kids stay focused in school. Many people believe putting on a uniform resembles a parent putting on a suit, and getting ready for work. This makes the students take a more serious interest in the work they are doing at school. Also, it has been proven that wearing uniforms provides less of a distraction than fashionable clothes create. With uniforms, there is absolutely no controversy over who has the newest, coolest clothes in school. Many students of public schools believe that school uniforms should not be introduced because it is restraining people’s freedom of expression and does not create diversity. One example how uniforms restrict learners are that â€Å"without the outlet of expression in their clothes, students may turn to inappropriate hair styles, jewelry, or makeup† . So by restricting students of their clothing choice, they will still find a way to show their personality in their hair, jewelry, and hairstyles. Soon schools will start regulating those as well and boom! The school controls everything that is offered to a child. A second supporting example as to why uniforms are an awful proposal are because uniforms may not be comfortable for all students nd they can not wear their uniforms outside of school, and thus, there is the double cost of both uniforms and casual wardrobe (Public School Uniforms). In school, if a child is trying to learn, but is not comfortable with the uniforms’ fabric, it would cause a great burden and distraction to one’s learning. Also many families are struggling in today’s economy and are trying to save as much mon ey as they can. Having to pay for regular clothes and uniforms start to add up to the family’s expenses. A third example would be that uniforms create a false sense of security. According to Rashida Khilawala, â€Å"if the student gets used to being respected for their mind and not looks, the â€Å"outside world† could come as quite a surprise to them†(Khilawala). Face the truth; the â€Å"real† world can be an ugly place to live. Even if uniforms decrease violence and everyone is treated equal, the outside world does not run as orderly and smoothly as it would in a school. Of course all parents want to protect their child from any harm, but by fooling them into a safe environment, they are put at more risk then ever. Theses are some facts as to why; many children and teens are against uniforms in public schools. How to cite School Uuniforms, Essay examples