Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Music Appreciation Module Essay Example For Students

Music Appreciation Module Essay Meter a term that music has inherited from the rhythmic element of poetry where it means the number of lines in a verse, the number of syllables in each line and the arrangement of those syllables as long or short, accented or unaccented. X. Accent tone played louder than those near it. Music Appreciation Module 1 By luridness z. Largo very slow, broad AAA. Grave very slow and solemn b. Adagio slow c. Andante moderate (walking) pace d. Moderate moderate e. Allegretto fairly lively and fast if. Allegro fast g. Vice very lively h. Presto very fast it. Proprieties as fast as possible j]. Melody a series of single notes that add up too recognizable whole. K. Legato smooth/connected II. Staccato short/detached mm. Harmony the way chords are constructed and how they follow each other an. Consonance stable, restful chords 00. Dissonance unstable, tense chords up. Chord 3 or more notes sounded at once q. Key central note, chord, scale within a piece r. Tonic the first scale degree of a diatonic scale and the tonal center or final resolution tone. The most significant chord. ss. Half step- smallest interval tradition used in western music TTT. Whole step twice as large as half step u. Modulation change of key w. Monophonic texture single, unaccompanied melody. Unison creates fuller, richer-sounding monophonic texture. Www. Polyphonic texture two or more equally important melodies sounding simultaneously. Xx. Homophobic texture one melody with choral accompaniment.

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